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The best scents for your home

Using scents in your home is a great way to create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere.  We’re going to dive a little deeper into the best scents for your home.  I’m a big fan of using a diffuser in my kitchen and office which are next to each other but I’ll explain why that works out, my bedroom and bathroom and for selling a home when I’m your real estate agent.

First, my kitchen and office. The best scents for your kitchen depend on your personal preferences, but some of the most popular kitchen scents are citrus, herbs, and baking. Citrus scents like lemon, orange, and grapefruit are my favorite and can help invigorate and energize the atmosphere in your kitchen. Herbal scents such as lavender, rosemary, and basil can help to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere. Baking scents like cinnamon and vanilla can bring a cozy and comforting feeling to the kitchen. I love these during the holidays.

My office is directly adjacent to my kitchen and I’m usually going for the same energy, productivity. Scent has the power to create an atmosphere in your office, so it’s important to choose the right one. Some of the best scents for an office include citrus, which can help boost energy and productivity; and peppermint, which can help clear the mind and promote focus. If you’re needing a calm office, I would always suggest lavender but that scent makes me sleepy so I avoid it on the main level altogether.

For the master bedroom, some cozy and calming scents include lavender, vanilla, chamomile, sandalwood, and jasmine. I love the latter three.  For the bathroom, some fresh and invigorating scents include eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon, rosemary, and sage. You can also add some citrus and floral scents to either room for a little bit of extra zest. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect scent for each room!

When I’m working with a client and staging a home to sell, the best scent is one that is subtle and inviting. A light, pleasant aroma that is not overpowering or too heavily scented. Consider using an aroma diffuser with essential oils like lemon, lavender, or jasmine, which are all known for their calming and uplifting properties. For added effectiveness, you can also try adding a few drops of these essential oils to a pot of simmering water on the stove. This will help create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home.

Bonus tip.  If you are needing to get rid of an unpleasant scent quickly, put out some coffee grounds.


Heather Brulez, Realtor®

Reece Nichols Joco West

c – 913-948-3918

o – 913-323-7222


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Heather Brulez

Weichert REALTORS® Welch & Co.

c- 913.948.3918

o- 913.647-5700



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